23 February 2009

My new addict

As usual, I hate monday..yea lah! I got 4 more days to work before i can enjoy my next weekend. Plus, this morning, i went out early to LRT perhaps i dont need to queue in crowded. But damn, i need to queue almost 1 hour there...Somemore, i bring my laptop...huhu...rase cam nak patah bahu i!!~Sampai2 office, rase kebasss je tangan kiri..maklom lah duk usung bag berat2..Luckily, smalam i baruuuu jer copy series baru into my lappy...hahaha skarang ni tengah addict layan series tu lah..Knight Rider..:D sangat best okay!~ Now, kepale asyik berangan kalau lah i dapat beli Kitt..Hehe..So, pagi2 lagi sampai ofis trus nak breakfast nasik lemak...sambil layan Knight Rider..Woooah sangat syok!!~ ♥ Skali tengah syok2 layan, boss datang dr belakang... Tit tiiiiit (Bunyi boss swipe access card) Confirm tak sempat nak off windows dah!!~ Opps...alaa relax la boss..i tade keje nih.. Lucky boss i sorang nih, baik hati sket.. Lepas boss chow, i sambung balik tengok sampai abis satu episode.. then baru buat keje..Now i da tade keje da, so...ni nak p sambung tengok eps 4 plak..ade lg 11 eps nak katam nih..adios amigos..
p/s: Thanks a lot kepada Mr Downloader..Jasa anda amat-amat saya hargai.. ♥


Anonymous said...

heroes new season is comming out. :)

eikieyn said...

Thanks. Currently still waiting to complete download S3Eps17..:D oops!!~