Nampak sangat tak gayat pon. [Seperti biase, ayat bongkak akan keluar!!~] Klau rase nak try, sila pegi counter bayar RM 12. And anda boleh terjun dr tingkat paling tinggi ke ground floor. Tak silap mcm 4 tingkat je kot. Tp, saye tak cube pon, bukan takot gayat okeh..tp mcm RM 12, nak membazir for thing that will happen for less than 20 seconds?? Hurm, no thanks. Baik aku g makan ayam penyet! :D
Then I go back to Shah Alam for lunch, and by 3pm I rush to Eza's house. Kami menggedik nak pi beraya dekat rumah Thithi. I've havent met her (Thithi) since I left my previous company, and she use to be my morning gossip partner in that office. Hihihi. But before sampai rumah Eza, I drop by dekat Plaza Shah Alam dlu, yer la, takkan nak g makan rumah org tangan kosong kot. Dah kate last minutes, so I just simply grabs fruit kt MBG. Sorry yer Thithi. Next year, kami akan improve skill beraya kami. :D Hehe. Yes, rumah Thithi sangat jauh..Klang okeh!~ saye tak mampu nk drive kereta..so naik together2 dgn Eza. :D and sekali lagi saye nak cakap...omg~ jauuuuuuhnyeee rumahhh kamu Thithi. Hihihi.
And sesungguhnye, we never expect this. Thithi bakes this!!~ Omg omg omg. Sangat susa nk percaye. Sume sedap!!~ But seriously, among all of this, i LOVE the chocolate one. Thank u Thithi, aunty and uncle for having us. And Thithi, no worries, I'm still alive until now, after eating those cakes. :D Err I think, the others also still alive. :P
Owh btw, a nite before, Eza came visit me at Shah Alam, we lepaks kt mamak n then I follow Eza and Fariq pegi Uptown Shah Alam. Hihi. Best2. Dah kate jakun, tak memasal aku alert ade stage kt situ. Adekah itu stage untuk karoks?? [Buang tebiat sungguh!] And sorry Fariq, I tau u nak I igt jalan, tp jalan yang kite ikot tu, adoyai, memusing..so I totally forget about it. Next time kite pegi tempat yang jalan dea straight jer okeh. Hihi. Now they are officially my Papa & Mama angkat. Yer lah, dah kate I macam anak terbuang je kt Shah Alam ni! Hahahaha. Btw, thanks so much, u guys. I seronok sangat malam tu, sampai i tak boleh tido yer. :D Next time, bosan2 datang la lagi. Mak tak kisah, nyah!~ Mak suke!!~
Thank you so much for the great time!! And for running over to Plaza Shah Alam at the very last minute, beli buah2 semua.
P/S: TT ckp buah kita bawak banyak sangat, tak termakan. Hahahaha :P
I had fun, little Elf!
Hihi..for the first time I can guess who the 'Anonymous'.. Haha..berpeloh2 mak berlari2 pegi Plaza Shah Alam tue yer..abis make up sume cair. :D but I really have fun with u all..
P/S: Tell TT, that fruits is good for health. Ask her to finish it!!~ :D
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